Documents you receive as so-called hard copies must be scanned. Before starting this time consuming process you should make sure that no PDF file exists. As a rule you should be able to proceed much faster with electronically available documents if you possess the needed applications and the Archivista printer is set up properly on the ArchivistaBox.
300dpi yield good results when scanning. For the sake of velocity colour documents can be captured with lower resolution, however, it must be borne in mind that the text recognition might suffer accordingly.
For larger volumes we recommend to aquire a scanner with automatic document feeder if it is possible to split the documents into individual pages. Books often defy this procedure. For books a flatbed scanner may be used or a digital camera. Please note that with digital cameras lighting is essential – artificial light might give problems – as well as a tripod to hold it firmly in position. For A4 pages a camera should possess at least a resolution of 6 mio pixels.