For uploading a file the following options are available:
This last option is very powerful, but requires a small script (as shown in this example with our main language, Perl).
These lines of code upload a file to WebDMS via our API. Since these are HTTP requests, any programming language can be used for the upload itself.
my $ fout = shift; # get here the filename
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent; # we work with UserAgent (our batch web browser)
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); # the post method must be imported
my $server = "";
my $www = LWP::UserAgent->new; # new www session
my $res = $www->request(POST "$server",
Content_Type => 'form-data', # multipart/form-data
Content => [ # structure for our file
MAX_FILE_SIZE => 134217728, # max. size (webdms won't accept more)
upload => [ $fout, $fout ], # file to upload, file name to use
go => 'go_action', # we need to call the go_action command
action => 'upload', # inside of go_action we need to use upload
uploaddef => 0, # scan def
host => 'localhost', # connection information
db => 'archivista',
uid => 'Admin',
pwd => 'archivista',
frm_Laufnummer => 1,