You can use mail archiving to archive mail messages (Emails). You have to perform the following steps in order to do this:
- Mail server with IMAP log (including SSL support).
- Mail archiving must be activated in the system menu (see 20 for more information).
- Mail archiving must be set up in WebAdmin for each database.
- Manual or automatic mail archiving must be completed.
This chapter only discusses the third point,that is, setting up individual mail folders that are to be archived in a database.
Before going into the individual settings options, it is necessary to point out that the following events occur during mail archiving:
- A mail message is picked up by the server.
- The mail message is analysed.
- The message itself is archived with the option of archiving all PDF files and images it contains.
- An Archivista file is created for each mail message. The 'Subject', 'From', 'To' and 'Cc' fields as well as the date can be indexed automatically.
- The message itself is zipped and is also saved.