Since information can be stored in written or image form, as an audio document or as a film, there is the problem that knowledge stored in this way is not available in time when it is needed later. This is where a document management system (DMS) comes in.
In contrast to conventional filing, where everything has to be meticulously filed in folders, registers or folders in order to painstakingly retrieve information later, with Archivista you can do this work in a fraction of the time and completely digitally.
This time gain results from sophisticated capture and search functionalities. Whether integrated full text search, automated barcode processing, individual keywording, with Archivista you retrieve every document within seconds directly on the screen.
A DMS or electronic archiving with Archivista further means that you can efficiently store both documents in paper form and data already on the computer in Archivista. Archivista is designed to keep information available for years, even decades at 100 percent.
To do this, all documents are first stored in an image format. Since such image files (bitmaps) have a simple format, correct display is guaranteed in the long term, especially since Archivista works with open and freely available standard formats.
Of course, we could store all our documents in a directory tree in the file system on our hard drive. This would work fine for a small archive, but the more documents we include in our archive, the more difficult it would be to manage the data. Archivista 2025/II therefore works internally with a powerful database.