To round off, the following program example illustrates a simple session with WebDMS in the Perl language:
The above example creates a connection with WebDMS, executes a search query in which all files with three pages are activated and then navigates through 18 files. Furthermore, when a script is called externally, it is important that the 'cookies' are saved. This is the only way in which further 'commands' can be transferred to WebDMS.
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
my $server = "http://localhost/perl/avclient/";
my $connect = "?host=localhost&db=archivista&uid=Admin&pwd=archivista";
my $www = LWP::UserAgent->new; # new www session
my $res = $www->get("$server$connect"); # connect to webdms
if ($res->is_success) {
if ($res->content) { # we got login
my $cmd = "?go_query&fld_Seiten=3"; # search for 3 pages
$res = $www->get("$server$cmd");
my $cmd = "?go_doc_next";
for (my $c=1;$c<=18;$c++) { # navigate 18 times to next doc
$res = $www->get("$server$cmd");