Since it is possible in WebDMS to transfer a file (PDF or graphic file) to the archive server, it is also possible to do this via external control. In principle, the go_action&action=upload
command can be used for this. However, when you upload data, it is necessary to switch to 'POST' mode during communication with WebDMS (this is different from the GET mode that is normally used).
During the upload, you can include the uploadocr=x
and uploadbits=y
options in order to determine OCR definitions as well as scanning. Alternatively, you can also determine a scan definition containing the processing parameters directly during the upload. You use uploaddef=x
to select a specific scan definition, although the first scan definition is activated with 0
The following example demonstrates uploading a file to the web server in the Perl programming language. The comments should be of assistance even if you carry out the upload in a different programming language.
# -> demo script for uploading a document via web client
# (c) 2008 by Archivista GmbH, Urs Pfister
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent; # we work with UserAgent (our batch web browser)
use HTTP::Cookies; # we need to work with cookies
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); # the post method must be imported
my $fin = "/home/archivista/documentation_de.pdf"; # demo doc (our manual)
my $pages = "1-5"; # pages to extract (so we don't wait too long)
my $fout = "/tmp/eins.pdf"; # the finally file we want to import
if (!-e $fout) { # create file with pdftk if it does not already exist
system("pdftk $fin cat $pages output $fout");
# server we use (link to webdms)
my $server = "http://localhost/perl/avclient/";
# connection string (host,db,user,password)
my $connect = "?host=localhost&db=archivista&uid=Admin&pwd=archivista";
my $www = LWP::UserAgent->new; # new www session
# save the cookie for the corrent session
my $res = $www->get("$server$connect"); # connect to webdms
if ($res->is_success) {
if ($res->content) { # we got login
# now upload a file, we use request method with POST
my $res = $www->request(POST "$server",
Content_Type => 'form-data', # multipart/form-data
Content => [ # structure for our file
MAX_FILE_SIZE => 134217728, # max. size (webdms won't accept more)
upload => [ $fout, $fout ], # file to upload, file name to use
go => 'go_action', # we need to call the go_action command
action => 'upload', # inside of go_action we need to use upload
uploadbits => 1, # 1=black/white, 8=gray, 24=color
uploadocr => 27, # the desired ocr def (1-x, 27 does mean: no ocr)
meta => "Titel:450", # filling in some meta keys is no problem
if ($res->is_success) { # if we got a succes, file is uploaded
print "file $fout uploaded\n";
Note: The above example runs in every ArchivistaBox. In principle, however, WebDMS can be addressed by any computer and it is even possible to work with encrypted access (HTTPS). You can find the program on the ArchivistaBox CD under
under the name