At this point we would like to clarify a few terms, the understanding of which should make working with Archivista easier.
If these terms are clear to you, you can continue directly in chapter 4.12.
database: Entire organizational unit to store or retrieve information based on certain criteria. A database could also be described as a kind of vault where information can be managed securely.
Servers and Clients: In order to keep our information secure, we choose the most secure possible storage location (server). This location may only be accessible to clients (clients) after access control. Or formulated more abstractly: The server provides services to clients, in our case the database service.
The exchange of information takes place in small units. If the client asks for the whole content of the vault, he gets the number as well as the content of the first ten objects, but not the remaining 990. If he wants to see more objects, he should ask for objects 11-20. This will significantly reduce the load on the vault (server) and allow it to answer more requests in the same time.