At the beginning is a clean login to the system. Basically you need the required MySQL rights to access an Archivista database. To allocate these rights you either create a user on the MySQL console or you use an ordinary Archivista user account.
The first alternative is probably easier to implement while the second gives you more flexibility. With the second alternative you can fall back on the existing user specific information, something you cannot do when using the first. The user specific information is to be found in table 'user.' This is the same for all Archivista databases.
When login is attempted through an Archivista client the system checks whether the user possesses access rights (reading rights as a minimum) for a particular Archivista database. The MySQL server consults its internal administration database 'mysql' and takes a look at the entries in table 'tables_priv.' If user ID and password are correct, the user may access the database. In a second step the system checks the user specific information in table 'user' of our Archivista database. Is there an entry which has the same information in fields 'user' and 'host' as the internal MySQL table 'tables_priv'? If this is the case, too, login may definitively take place.