In table 'archive' the individual documents are stored. The keywords, the number of pages and the folder number are to be found here, for example, but not the image files or texts of the individual pages.
Let us take a look at the relevant fields of table 'archive':
- Dokument: unique number for document (1-x)
- Seiten: Number of pages per document (0=none,1-640 pages)
- ArchivArt: 0=BMP/ZIP (obsolete), 1=TIF, 2=PNG, 3=JPG
- Erfasst: 0=no pages added, 1=document contains pages
- Archiviert: 0=document is not archived, 1=document is archived
- BildInput: 0=image in 'input' folder, 1=image in table 'archivbilder'
- BildIntern 0=no web preview images, 1=web preview images
- QuelleIntern: 0=no source file, 1=source file
- BildInputExt: file extension in capital letters (TIF,PNG,JPG)
- BildAExt: file extension for web preview images (TIF,PNG,JPG)
- QuelleExt: file extension for source format archiving (e.g. DOC,PDF)