
Successfully in operation for more than 20 years

Our products have been successfully in operation for more than 20 years. We are happy to provide you with a few references here – on request we can also provide contact names and details. For larger projects we can also organise a reference customer visit.

Multiple locations united in one archive

For 40 years Läpp-Maschinen AG has manufactured machine parts and components for its customers. Since 2001 all its supporting documents have been processed digitally. This involves offices at various locations accessing the same database, as well as automatically drawing documents from the ERP application. The archive now connects three companies in three locations (in Switzerland and the Czech Republic). There are also four scanning stations for document processing. Even the documentation for the organisational planning is handled digitally.

Archive like the Angels

A company that bears such a heavenly name as F.+H. Engel (Angel) AG must live up to its name somewhat…not without reason do trade, industry, retail trade in crafts and private entities turn for service every day to the company Engel. Thanks to Archivista, all orders and invoices issued and received since 1995 are directly accessible in the digital archives. The volume exceeded one million long ago and, during the last few years, all delivery notes have also been archived.

A powerful DMS as a reliable partner

A. Tschümperlin AG is a reliable partner for supplying high quality building materials for civil engineering applications. The family business has supplied both its own and third party products for over 80 years – 7,000 products can currently be ordered.

Mission accomplished

EADS Astrium is a leading global business in the space industry and has 12,000 employees in France, Germany, Spain and Great Britain. Archivista GmbH digitised the complete technical documentation for the Rosetta scientific satellite on behalf of EADS. This included several hundred folders of papers and a few thousand large format plans being scanned and prepared so that the digital documents were accessible from around the world.