
ArchivistaBox: The country needs new boxes

Irrespectively of if you make use of the ArchivistaBox application as a document management system (DMS), as an ERP (Enterprise resource planning) or as an ArchivistaVM virtualisation server, you will receive a ready-to-use application installed by us.

Where, usually, one would first have to check if application X works with operating system Y and computer Z, the ArchivistaBox provides the unusual advantage of providing the complete solution all from one source.

If we’re being honest, what’s the point of the most brilliant application with a fantastic data management design when already in the beginning it degenerates into a matter of running the gauntlet between application, operating system and computer.

Just hook up the ArchivistaBox to the network and away you go…

In this respect the ArchivistaBox concept, by developing the ready-to-use pre-configured solution, applies the motto: “The country needs new boxes!” When you acquire an ArchivistaBox you will receive it pre- configured and ready-to-use. Just hook up ArchivistaBox to the network and away you go.

And as we supply a box-based application, all the components are optimally matched to each other. This results in more power with a more efficient use of resources. While other applications promote themselves as “Green IT”, we deliver small 1 kg boxes that already today use many times less energy than is the case with standard servers. Thus also here completely in line with the motto: “The country needs new boxes!”