
Agile software development

You really like the ArchivistaBox, but miss a particular function or need an extension for a very specific purpose. Simply send us your requirements and we will be happy to prepare a proposal for you regarding when such functionality could be made available. With us you have no need to fear long product specifications and even longer meetings. We work strictly in line with the principle of agile software development – which is described by the reference work as follows:

Agile software development refers to a group of software development methodologies that promotes development iterations, open collaboration, and process adaptability throughout the life-cycle of the project. It chooses to do things in small increments, with minimal planning, rather than plan at length. This helps to minimize the overall risk, and allows the project to adapt to changes more quickly (source Wikipedia).

Or to put it in our words: with a high degree of quality and little administrative effort we realise a solution that is perfectly tailored to you and your ArchivistaBox.

Web-based applications with Perl, PHP and Python

When programming we work primarily with the Perl, PHP und Python languages. We prefer to provide web-based applications that are platform-independent. And where it makes sense we also make use of JavaScript and Ajax Technology.

Whenever possible, we publish the sources directly in the ArchivistaBox under the GPL licence. This has the advantage for you that the source code i.e. the program itself, is still available even years later. And if you prefer not to have a GPL licence for a specific module, then we integrate the code into the ArchivistaBox in such a way that you can install it yourself in the ArchivistaBox or your system.

Conversion of old data sets

Thanks to numerous successful migration projects we are in a position to carry out data extraction for most popular business applications. Also, when a manufacturer does not provide documentation or when documentation is no longer available, we will take over responsibility for putting together the bits and bytes in a completely new format. We will initially provide support within the framework of an order and then on Day X we will take over the migration as part of a service contract.

Connection to and integration of business applications

When an application needs to be connected directly to the ArchivistaBox then you can count on us. We would also be happy to demonstrate to you how the ArchivistaBox can be “remotely controlled” from another application. And also when you wish to communicate directly with the ArchivistaBox at less advanced levels, you will find us to be the most competent partner of all – quite simply because we ourselves develop the ArchivistaBox. We work for you so that your applications function 100% as they should.