ArchivistaBox 2013/I

New boxes for the whole country

Pfaffhausen, 15 January 2013: We are pleased to be able to officially introduce our new ArchivistaBox models: Albis, Santis, Pilatus and Titlis. These include a new minimum of 4 GB RAM. Thus, all ArchivistaBox models now work exclusively in RAM mode. With ArchivistaBox 2013/I we are introducing a significantly enhanced WebClient. Thanks to very efficient encoding, we have managed to reduce the source codes by a whopping 40 percent compared to ArchivistaBox 2012/XI.

The new Albis scan box has all the same features as other ArchivistaBox systems

In 2009 we introduced ArchivistaBox Albis as a cost-effective alternative to the previous scan boxes, the Mythen and the Rothorn. The aim of the ArchivistaBox Albis was to offer an inexpensive networked scanning solution. ArchivistaBox Albis fully achieved this aim.

Because the old ArchivistaBox Albis came with its own complete embedded Linux system, not all the functions of the Mythen and Rothorn scanning stations could be made available. So, using the ArchivistaBox Albis it was possible to scan via a web interface, but it was not possible to scan directly from the WebClient. Likewise, text, barcode and form recognition could not be used directly on the Albis box.

The new ArchivistaBox Albis offers, for the same price as previously, the complete functionality of the larger ArchivistaBox models, Mythen and Rothorn. The new ArchivistaBox Albis also does not have to be separately configured, as was the case with the old Albis box. Rather, the entire configuration of all ArchivistaBoxes (both servers and scanning stations) is done via a new single ISO file.

New housing for ArchivistaBoxes Santis, Pilatus and Titlis

For smaller-scale DMS solutions (ArchivistaBox Titlis is designed for max. 1 million documents), new small compact 3-litre housings are available (with an option to have them completely fanless).

New ArchivistaBox Dolder for 300 Euros

The new ArchivistaBox Dolder now costs just 300 Euros (instead of 550), though at this price it comes solely in virtual form. It is available with almost the same functionality as the ArchivistaBox Rigi, with the exception that no support is given for directly connected devices (scanners, USB sticks, hard disks). Rights for a second user may be purchased as an optional extra.

ArchivistaVM Budget: As requested, it is now available with 32 GB storage and 6-core CPU

ArchivistaVM Budget offers an extremely cost-effective entry into the world of server virtualisation. In smaller quantities, we can even now offer the ArchivistaVM Budget with as much as 32 GB of RAM and/or a 6 core CPU.

WebClient 2013/I: More power thanks to 40% more streamlined code base

WebClient Version 2013/I has a 40% more streamlined code base. This is made possible by optimization software that edits the code much more quickly for the Perl interpreter. Archivista WebClient 2013/I is now supplied on all commercially purchased ArchivistaBox systems. Customers with maintenance contracts are welcome to contact us regarding ArchivistaBox 2013/I; the ISO files can be created upon request and without delay.

Users of the Community version will also receive the new 2013/I WebClient version. In order that it continues to run on computers with 2 GB of RAM, we cannot offer the same degree of optimization for the Community version, with the result that the Version 2013/I now displays a significant difference in performance between the Community version and the ISO files that we create for our customers. If you are interested in an ArchivistaBox for your professional environment, you can contact us anytime, we would be happy to provide you with an ArchivistaBox for a limited time.

Community version registration: It would have been nice….

Unfortunately, our Christmas list requests were not answered. Tho thirds of the registrations have been incorrect! Of this amount, approximately half were given with made-up names (John Smith is not that creative) and company-specific addresses (see Section 17 Terms and Conditions). Therefore, we again had to adjust the registration format for the Community version. After registration you can now apply for a permanent licence using a SAE, stating your postal and email address. Our address is: Archivista GmbH, Zürichstr. 80, 8118 Pfaffhausen, Switzerland.

In recent months we have had to deal both with allegedly “private addresses” and the infringement of private use rules, we unfortunately need to reserve the right to refuse a permanent registration (and without giving reasons). In this case, the envelope will be sent back empty. For other (successful) applications, the return letter will contain the guide for using ArchivistaCommunity on a permanent basis. Incorrectly stamped envelopes (e.g. with German postages stamps on) cannot be processed. So take note: users who do not have access to Swiss stamps, please use an international reply coupon.

With a permanent licence, you may at any time create an updated licence with a 360-day expiry, whereby a new 360 days are available upon each update. This ensures that private users can also use somewhat updated ArchivistaBox systems. We thank all those who have correctly gone through the registration process. As for those people who do not want to play by the rules: we would ask you to stay away from the registration process in future. If there continues to be a failure to observe private-use rules, we will find ourselves forced either not to provide the Community version, or only in a very different form.

To all those who use the ArchivistaBox (both ArchivistaVM and ArchivistaDMS) commercially, i.e. using it for professional work: it should be noted that the cheapest ArchivistaBox systems start at 300 Euros (the ArchivistaBox Dolder (DMS) models, and the ArchivistaVM Budget Light (virtualisation). The first year of maintenance is included in this price; in subsequent years we charge just 15% (DMS) or 20% (virtualisation), so we can keep the ArchivistaBox systems up to date. Over three years, then, the costs are 130 Euros per year (DMS) or 140 Euros (virtualisation) – bringing the prices in range for even the smallest SME company or freelancer.