Where to find us

Archivista GmbH, Stegstr. 14, CH-8132 Egg

A detailed location plan can be found at:


Reaching us with public transport is easy. From Zurich Stadelhofen or Esslingen, S18 to station Langwies ZH.

Our offices are about two minutes (on foot) from the station at Stegstrasse 14.

OpenFriday: We open our doors and invite you in every Friday…

We would be very happy to demonstrate our new ArchivistaBox products live in action at our office in Egg, Switzerland. Every Friday, from 10:00 until 12:00, we are available to make product presentations. For logistical reasons we would be grateful if you could announce (by e-mail) your attendance by the latest at 17:00 on the Wednesday beforehand. If a different day suits you better then please feel free to suggest a suitable date.