Cloud & more

ArchivistaCommunity@Cloud, Mini & Evaluation

Pfaffhausen, 19 April 2013: With ArchivistaCommunity we now offer free document management (DMS) in the cloud. ArchivistaMini now comes without an X server. The ISO file is thus further reduced significantly to 72 MB. ArchivistaEvaluation now offers test versions for business customers. The following blog shows what the new services look like in detail.

ArchivistaCommunity: DMS (Document Management System) in the Cloud

The prerequisites for using Archivista Community in the Cloud are more or less the same as for the previous ArchivistaBox Community, except that now neither postal registration nor a CD need be ordered. The offer remains available to private users only. As before, up to 20,000 documents can be processed; the only change being that the number of pages is now limited to 50,000 (previously 100,000). Thus the new ArchivistaBox Community allows you to administer up to 100 folders. The ArchivistaBox Community in the Cloud provides now better character recognition (OCR). WebAdmin and WebClient are currently available. And, back by popular demand, the ArchivistaBox Community handbook is now once again available.

We are aware that with ArchivistaBox Community in the Cloud, we have become a provider. We will therefore not be able to identify all users in the future. Of course, in using ArchivistaBox Community it should be understood that no content may be uploaded which would violate any laws. The Community User must personally vouch for this. Upon successful registration, each Community User will receive a separate database and a password-protected account. The access data and stored documents are of a private nature.

The ArchivistaBox Community in the Cloud is implemented using ArchivistaVM clusters. This means that all data is stored redundantly on two computers in triplicate. The data is backed up to an external hard drive once a day, thereby creating a service interruption of about 30 seconds. At other times, the ArchivistaBox Community is ready for action as a DMS solution. However, there is no entitlement to a guaranteed availability: this can not be guaranteed as part of a free service.

Uploaded data can always be re-saved locally. Furthermore, it is possible to extract a selection (multiple documents) as a PDF file in its entirety. The new ArchivistaBox Community can be converted if required into an ArchivistaBox plus Support package. Of course, uploaded documents may also be deleted. Individualised backup jobs can be done on a contractual basis, whereby a one-off fee must be paid (minimum 15 minutes’ support).

ArchivistaCommunity in the Cloud is intended solely for private use. Archivista GmbH therefore reserves the right to terminate access to ArchivistaBox Community in the event of violation of the private-use rule. Unlike ArchivistaMini, for which postal registration is still required, this is no longer the case for ArchivistaBoxCommunity in the Cloud.

Archivista GmbH does not grant third parties access to the data. ArchivistaBox Community in the Cloud is protected by a hardware-based firewall against intentional attacks; public servers do not offer 100% protection against hacking. All our servers are located in Switzerland: the data including the ArchivistaBoxCommunity is a service accordingly subject to Swiss law. Currently, the initial version is available; we will gradually provide more functionality in the coming months.

ArchivistaMini: KVM server for virtualisation with 72 MB

Granted, there are now many solutions for virtualisation. But no other solution is as streamlined as ArchivistaMini. Private users will learn not to underrate ArchivistaMini, because where else there is a server for virtualisation with 72 MB, which does not even have to be installed. ArchivistaMini no longer needs (in contrast to earlier versions) an X-server-compatible graphics card. Insert the CD or USB stick, start up ArchivistaMini and use it via your web browser; virtualisation doesn’t get any easier than this.

ArchivistaEvaluation: Customised test licences

We can now offer customised test environments via our ArchivistaEvaluation software. Tell us your requirements and we will provide you with a fully equipped ArchivistaBox on our servers for a limited time. This offer is exclusively for companies, public authorities and/or institutions. Alternatively, you can examine the entire range of hardware at our demo centre.

Information for current Community users

At this point, we would like to thank all community who have contacted us in recent months. We regret that we cannot answer all enquiries – the sheer amount of messages is just too high. Although ArchivistaCommunity is once again undergoing a substantial change in the form of its cloud solution, I do think that the new solution will constitute a considerable relief for the vast majority of users. Archivista Community no longer need their own computer, documents are now available everywhere, and in terms of text recognition too, users will receive exactly the same quality as business users (including searchable PDF files, which is absolutely unique).

If there is someone out there who prefers the old Community version and does not, at first glance, want to use the new solution, it should be added at this point that it is impossible to satisfy all requests. But I would still encourage you to try out the new solution. Furthermore, I apologise, but we can only offer free services as long as the cost does not exceed a tolerable level, and this was (for reasons already mentioned in this blog) no longer the case.

In addition, the source code of the ArchivistaDMS, ArchivistaERP and ArchivistaVM modules are under the scope of the Community version of the GPLv2 licence. If anyone would like to continue maintenance of these modules (e.g. as Debian packages), the source codes are available for download. I must regretfully add, however, that the source code (and the GPL licence) give no entitlement to use the Archivista brand in any form. But anyway, I hope that all those who find pleasure in the new ArchivistaBox Community have a lot of fun.

Urs Pfister, Archivista GmbH