Year 2014

From moving boxes to Dolder boxes and ArchivistaERP.

Egg, 24 December 2014: Exactly one year ago, Archivista GmbH was in the processing of moving. It took quite a while before everything was back in its place at the new location in Egg. After completing our move in January/February we were finally able to fully focus on our customer projects and the further development of the ArchivistaBox. This blog briefly describes what we were able to achieve in 2014.

In mid-February, with the ArchivistaBox Mini we were able to provide a 60 MB virtualisation platform for free download that contains all the components to create a cluster for virtualisation directly via the web interface.

We were also able to significantly improve data backup with ArchivistaVM, and instances can be restored directly in the web interface for the first time with ArchivistaBox 2014/II. Likewise, individual data from archived instances can be restored easily via the browser.

The new ArchivistaBox Dolder is available with the ArchivistaBox 2014/III. We are happy to be able to offer high-performance hardware in the region of EUR 300 as of this year. We created the Easy and Full packages to make the ArchivistaBox Dolder even more appealing. The powerful performance of the ArchivistaBox Dolder was impressively demonstrated with a scan test of more than 10,000 pages in an hour.

We were strongly focused on the further development of ArchivistaERP in the second half of 2014. With the ArchivistaBox 2014/IX, these efforts could be definitively transferred to the ArchivistaBox. A short time later we were also able to release ArchivistaERP for working in our cloud environment.

The ArchivistaBox Bachtel is a cost-effective ArchivistaDMS data backup solution which now provides inconspicuously valuable services both internally and for customers. On the occasion of LinuxDay 2014 in Dornbirn we were able to demonstrate ArchivistaERP on the micro-computer Raspberry PI and thus prove that an ERP solution does not necessarily make impossibly high demands on the hardware. SMEs do not have unlimited budgets, either for an ERP solution or for the corresponding hardware.

The public sector appears to be unconcerned about the issue. Reports of excessive computer science budgets that fail to result in functional solutions are now almost business as usual; even corruption and completely intransparent contract awards are no longer a rarity. We made a high level of commitment in 2004 to 2006 to ensure that such procedures take place correctly from a legal perspective, see (log in without password). It is a sad reality if the federal government wants to introduce so-called e-invoices for all suppliers as of 1.1.2016, even though a private study accounts for a marginal savings potential of CHF 4 million annually, without taking into account the fact that the SuisseID was previously subsidized into a flop with 17 million.

But this should not deter us from providing automation for ArchivistaERP in cases where this can be done with a modest effort. With this in mind, the automatic processing of ESR notes or simple creditor management for ArchivistaERP is a milestone in the history of the ArchivistaBox. We are looking forward to next year so that we can continue what we started in 2014: optimising the ArchivistaBox as a business solution for SMEs in such a way that we and our clients can operate highly efficient computer systems. There is still much to do – let’s get on with it!

First, however, we must say goodbye as we depart for the Christmas holidays for a few days. We will be closed between 24 December and 4 January 2015, inclusive. We will be fully at your disposal again from 5.1.2015. Excluded from this are the small projects that we were unable to complete by the end of today – these will be completed either today or on 27 December. Please accept our apologies for the delays due to the numerous enquiries received in December. Next year we will try to implement our resolution to take on no further new projects as of mid-November. We wish all our business partners happy holidays and a successful 2015!