ArchivistaBox Bachtel

Bachtel with 10 years of innovation

Egg, 5 March 2015: Four weeks ago we presented a new ArchivistaBox based on the Raspberry PI 2. Since no large quantities were available then, patience had to be exercised until the hardware was available in a larger quantity. Meanwhile, the first major shipment has arrived here, so we can immediately deliver the new ArchivistaBox Bachtel. This blog will present the new ArchivistaBox Bachtel. To start, we will take a look back at 10 years of ArchivistaBox.

10 years ago…

The first generation of Archivista boxes appeared almost exactly 10 years ago. At the time of market launch, the least expensive ArchivistaBox cost 1869 francs (software and hardware). The complete former price list can be found here. As a brief illustration, the key features of that solution are cited here: 256 MB RAM, single-core processor, weight: about 3 kg, power requirement: 60 watts, 28 GB of space for data, with room for 20,000 documents. The previous price was a milestone for a server-based DMS solution, but the cost of manually uploading the Archivista software to server hardware was substantially higher.

ArchivistaBox Bachtel in 2015

To compare the current ArchivistaBox Bachtel, key features are also cited here: 1024 MB RAM (1 GB), quad-core ARM processor, weight: 100 grams, power requirements: 2-3 Watt, 28 GB of space for data in 20,000 documents. With this, the current ArchivistaBox Bachtel matches or exceeds all key features of the former ArchivistaBox Rigi. At 150 francs, the ArchivistaBox Bachtel costs 12 times less than the former ArchivistaBox Rigi. The power requirement and weight were reduced by a factor of 20 to 30. Thanks to the quad-core CPU, text recognition is performed in parallel on all four processors.

In terms of software technology, all Office documents (including versioning) can be managed with the ArchivistaBox Bachtel, in contrast to 2005. Both scanned and digital documents can be added to the archive easily via a network drive. With ArchivistaERP, a powerful web-based ERP solution is available, so that the new ArchivistaBox offers significantly more than the former ArchivistaBox.

Of course, the ArchivistaBox Bachtel can also be used as a stand-alone, i.e. connect a monitor, mouse and keyboard, and off you go with full HD resolution (1920×1080). As before, the ArchivistaBox Bachtel can also serve as a backup station for any other ArchivistaBox. Simply attach the hard drive of any backup to the ArchivistaBox Bachtel and any ArchivistaDMS and ArchivistaERP backup can be tested as required.

The ArchivistaBox Bachtel basic package is delivered with 32 GB (28 GB for data). The ArchivistaBox Bachtel was successfully tested with 64 and 128 GB of internal memory. With an external hard drive the ArchivistaBox could grow to several terabytes. In this sense, the ArchivistaBox Bachtel has almost unlimited expansion capability. Thanks to modern ARM technology (QuadCore) the ArchivistaBox Bachtel does not even get slightly warm at any time – all this without any ventilation of course. The ArchivistaBox Bachtel is true innovation at a truly great price. The ArchivistaBox Bachtel can be ordered here. All existing customers can obtain the 2013/III release accompanying the ArchivistaBox Bachtel from us for free.