2022/VIII and new Prices

More security and adjustments to conditions

Egg, September 7, 2022: Why is the August release 2022/VIII only taking place in September? Quite simply because many aspects of security were reviewed and refined accordingly. This process took a bit longer, and that’s why the new release can only be officially presented today. As of today’s cut-off date, our prices will be raised by about 5 percent on average. At the end of the article, there is a savings tip that can reduce the power costs of any ArchivistaBox or AVMultimedia by about 50 percent.

Version 2022/VIII with a lot of love for security

According to the motto ‘a rolling stone gathers no moss’, software solutions are currently being further developed at such a speed that attention to detail, and above all aspects of security, are often neglected. For this reason, the ArchivistaBox has been virtually frozen for the last two months. Instead of new functions, the software has been improved where more fine-tuning makes a lot of sense. In addition, the Linux substructure has been equipped with the latest stable versions.

According to https://stack.watch/product/linux/linux-kernel, there are already 178 bugs in the Linux kernel that had to be eliminated by September 2022. Anyone who thought that this wouldn’t happen with Windows can counter that according to https://stack.watch/product/microsoft/windows-11, 333 bugs have been reported for Windows 11 for 2022 so far. This does not include bugs on a lower level (BIOS). These so-called UEFI bugs are far more dangerous because replacing or reinstalling the software (Linux/Windows) does not solve the problem. The bug lies deeper. Representative for many an (german) article from 2.2.22 (the date is program -;) from heise.de.

Therefore at this point the urgent recommendation. Please get the update to 2022/XIII and install it. With WebConfig the process is very simple.

Adjusted prices from September 2022

Of course, it is not pleasant to have to raise prices. Nevertheless, it cannot be avoided this year (the last price adjustment dates back to 2008). On average, the prices of our services and products will rise by around 5 percent. There are two important exceptions: First, prices are not currently rising for modules (e.g. barcode recognition) and second, maintenance contracts are not currently being adjusted. Whether this will also be the case for 2023 cannot be conclusively stated as of today.

Until the next invoices are sent out, the old prices will still be used for projects and support. The new prices can already be found in the web store http://shop.archivista.ch. Orders will be processed with the new prices from now on. There is also the exception that issued offers keep their validity. The expiry date on the offer (usually 30 days) is decisive.

At this point, it should also be mentioned that there is a high savings potential with our ArchivistaBoxes. The fact that our solutions are very energy-efficient (the scan box requires approx. 1-3 watts) alone means that, with average energy prices approx. 30 percent higher, the electricity saving potential should be higher than the price adjustment for our products. This is simply because we have been investing heavily in the energy efficiency of our products for years. Here is a (non-exhaustive) example: Since the ArchivistaBox runs in the main memory, the number of hard disk accesses is reduced by a factor of 2 (corresponding to a longer service life and lower power consumption).

The deep sleep mode of our ArchivistaBoxes can contribute to a further power reduction by a factor of 2, see the blog entry from last July. The power consumption of a fully equipped ArchivistaBox in idle mode is between 5 and 20 watts, depending on the model. With deep sleep mode, the power requirement can be reduced to a fraction (well below 1 watt). If the computers are only put into deep sleep for 8 hours at night and over the weekend, for example, this results in savings of over 50 percent on electricity costs. Of course, this works with both the ArchivistaBox and AVMultimedia. Enjoy!