Our boxes

The correct ArchivistaBox for every situation

Our ArchivistaBoxes all carry the names of Swiss mountain peaks. But which ArchivistaBox is the right one for you? To help you in your choice, here is a presentation of the various models.

ArchivistaBox Dolder: 5 stars for every budget

Like the tourist destination (615 meters above sea level, in the city of Zurich), the ArchivistaBox Dolder is no heavyweight. This smallest ArchivistaBox weighs in at just 400 g. The ArchivistaBox Dolder is suitable for anyone who needs a complete ArchivistaBox for an astounding price, just like the saying that a 5-star product does not need to be expensive. Recommended volume per day: 10-100 documents, or 20 to 200 pages.

ArchivistaBox Rigi: Queen of the mountains

The ArchivistaBox Rigi is designed as a single location solution. It can manage a maximum of 20,000 records per database. The Rigi-Box is suited to a Small or Home Office (SOHO), freelancers and small businesses. Recommended daily volume is 20-200 documents or 50-500 pages.

ArchivistaBox Säntis: High above the misty sea

The ArchivistaBox Säntis offers 20,000 records per archive. The Säntis-Box represents the ideal solution for companies with up to 10 employees. Recommended daily volume is 50-250 documents or 100-500 pages.

The Pilatus-Box takes you straight to the summit

Up to 1 million pages per archive (200,000 records) can be managed by the ArchivistaBox Pilatus. Thanks to the powerful hardware, up to 30 users can work simultaneously with the ArchivistaBox Pilatus. Recommended daily volume is 100-500 documents or 500-2000 pages.

ArchivistaBox Titlis: Securely to the glacier with double power

The Titlis-Box is configured redundantly, i.e. there are always two ArchivistaBoxes available which perform automatic reconciliation with each other. Recommended daily volume is 100-500 documents or 500-5000 pages. The system allows 50 users to be logged on at the same time.

ArchivistaBox Eiger: With ease to the 4000 metre peaks

The ArchivistaBox Eiger can process up to 120 colour pages per minute. Every day between 4,000 and 40,000 pages can easily be filed in the archives. The associated archives are unlimited in terms of document volume per archive, and the Eiger easily allows 100 users to be simultaneously active. As with the Titlis it is redundantly configured.

Matterhorn ArchivistaBox: up to 6 TB in a single box

The Matterhorn ArchivistaBox provides space for up to 120 million pages in a very small box. Thanks to redundancy in the hard disks you can easily climb the Matterhorn and remain well secured at all times. It is, of course, possible to combine the Matterhorn Box with other ArchivistaBoxes as required, just as you can operate multiple Matterhorn ArchivistaBoxes together in a redundant configuration.

Albis always at your service

With the Albis box you can modularly extend every ArchivistaBox solution, so nothing stands in the way of a personally customised development.