Frequently asked Questions

Basics about ArchivistaVM

Is there support for ArchivistaVM? Yes, you will receive support and maintenance for every ArchivistaVM server. The ArchivistaVM servers are available from our online store.

I don’t want to purchase any hardware. Nevertheless, would it be possible to receive support? Choose ArchivistaVM Light. This is a product delivered without any hardware. Purchase of this product entitles you to commercial support.

What is RAID? Can software RAID be used? Hard drives can be operated in an array (e.g. RAID 1, for double saving of data) with a RAID controller. With ArchivistaVM, you can use both hardware and software RAID systems.

How can I migrate existing computers? You can use CloneZilla, an OpenSource product. This allows you to make a copy of the internal hard drive where the operating system is installed, on an external hard disk from the Live CD. This can then be operated together with CloneZilla on the virtualised instance. Make sure that the virtual hard disk is not smaller than the originally virtualised hard disk in this case.

Is ArchivistaVM being continually developed? Can I have a specific feature programmed? Yes, ArchivistaVM is being continually developed. Specific functions can be implemented at any time for a charge.

Can I contribute to the development of ArchivistaVM? Yes, gladly. The sources can be found here. We will be happy to receive any small changes in the form of patches.