
First hand consulting

Our service provision always focuses on the benefits for you as a customer. In order to determine if and for which problems or challenges we can help you with, we first offer you a completely free initial consultation.

In consulting discussions we foster communication in an animated discussion. At this point in time there are almost no questions that are pointless – so we take the liberty to make penetrating enquiries. Consulting is only possible when we have got to know and understood you and your requirements.

At the conclusion of this initial discussion we agree on the next steps. As the customer you decide the temporal and financial framework. If you so wish, then we can provide a solution for you with fixed conditions or we can assist you on a project basis for the realisation of your requirements from A to Z.

Box and Scanner evaluation free of charge in our Demo Centre

Before you decide on a particular ArchivistaBox or scanner, you are welcome to book an appointment with us for a box and scanner evaluation session. There you can check if a particular device fulfils your requirements. Take some documentation of your own with you so that we can put it to the test by processing it.

Document analysis at your place

One thing is for sure, despite implementation of considerable IT infrastructure, the volumes of paper in circulation at businesses have not been reduced. In a document analysis we examine where possible unnecessary superfluous documentation arises and how the flow of documentation can be simplified. Here we don’t try and change your corporate structure, but rather we indicate where the workflows could be tightened up. We also conduct a cost/benefit analysis.

For small businesses (<20 employees) we generally allocate half a day for this, medium sized companies (up to 200 employees) require a whole day and large businesses need two to three days for the analysis to be conducted.